Category: Military Life

  • What we miss about Cambridge

    We started living a strange life of sleeping on an air mattress and living out of suitcases at the end of April. El had the idea of shipping our things over to the States as early as possible so that we wouldn’t have to wait for them for very long. We were very lucky that…

  • When things don’t go as planned

    Oliver turned 5 months old two weeks ago. Between the move overseas and the sleep deprivation (hello sleeping 10-12 hours through the night since the end of June!), the past few months have been a blur. And slowly I’m forgetting all of the nitty-gritty details of what happened during his birth into this big, beautiful…

  • Lessons learned, then relearned

    Reflection is the name of the game for me in January. I can’t help but do it daily. Now having some time, I’ve begun the process of going through pictures from the last two and half years of living abroad; all the trips, moments captured, and memories. However, there is one picture that I absolutely…

  • Welcome 2017 with a single word

    There is a trend going on in the social media communities. By no means is it a new trend. It is an old trend with a new revival, which happens about this time every year. I like to make resolutions and SMART goals  for the year – I actually achieved my 2016 goal of losing…

  • USAF 69th Birthday Ball!

    Joining many others from around the local area, we celebrated the 69th birthday of the United States Air Force last night. It was a great reason to put on fancy clothes, eat, drink (soda water and lime or a cranberry and orange juice cocktail for me), dance, and celebrate. We also celebrated that our baby boy…

  • A new year, a new post

    Hello! Long time, no updates. I know you want to know more of our adventures. Wondering what we have been doing, where the wind has blown us, and the adventures we have experienced. I promise to provide you updates on the following things in the next few weeks: My adventures in Australia (I did spend nearly a…